Together with its partners, digicon accompanies you individually and professionally with expertise in the fields of heating technology, agile processes, state of the art equipment and new materials. This synergy results in high-quality educational support, sustainable and practical operations which your company benefits from not only in a monetary way.
Eight years in academic research have reinforced my interest in basic research and whetted my appetite for innovation. Aspiring to see new ideas through to execution and completion I decided ten years ago to set up my own engineering consulting firm. Today, I support companies in developing and optimizing their manufacturing facilities, always in close cooperation with the client and with additional input from a broad multidisciplinary network. I am convinced that companies basically do have the knowledge needed to overcome challenges. However, in day-to-day business such capabilities remain often buried or hidden by departmental borders. As an independent partner I help you and your team to overcome such barriers, to unearth these in-house treasures and to complement them with external know-how in a meaningful manner.
Billur family has been in sheet metal forming industry since 1980’s. Billur Makine sells, services and refurbishes mechanical presses and press automation systems. Since 2015, Billur Metal Form offers engineering, consulting and training services to automotive, defense and white appliances industries. 2nd generation manager, Dr. Eren Billur has authored more than 30 articles in sheet metal forming and especially at hot forming area. He is also the author of “Hot Stamping of Ultra-High Strength Steels” book.
We are Excelix, a boutique consulting firm operating at the interface between business & engineering to provide feasible and scalable solutions to our clients in the field of sustainable business development & technology strategy.
Excelix is founded on three fundamental principles:
- We believe in creating together a sustainable future through innovation.
- We see change is an opportunity to do something extraordinary – not a threat.
- We are doers who are stepping outside their comfort zone to systematically promote growth.
We focus on:
- Closing the gap between strategy & implementation to overcome complexity and achieve growth in the era of disruption.
- Serving as catalyst for innovation by thinking outside the box.
- Bringing people & organizations together to create synergies.
Believing in the importance of strategic alliances, we partner with established companies & institutes, startups and public bodies to enable and promote sustainable growth.
The ability to develop and technologically evolve our products and services at the pace that our customers’ needs require is one of FAGOR ARRASATE’s fundamental strengths. We understand that innovation is one of the keys to achieving this, along with know-how regarding processes and technologies and exquisite personal customer service.
At FAGOR ARRASATE we supply installations to the most important sectors worldwide, such as the automotive and white goods industries and the steel and aluminum value chain. Our customers demand comprehensive, reliable and productive solutions that are also intelligent, energy-efficient and developed to increase their profitability and to be flexible in the face of changing market trends. Therefore, one of the pillars on which our entire innovation strategy is based is the systematic collaboration that our R&D technicians have with technology centers, universities and business R&D units to develop new solutions and evolve the provision of new services.

The Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU is an engine for innovations in the research and development of production technologies. Around 600 employees at our locations in Chemnitz, Dresden and Zittau open up potentials for competitive manufacturing. Our scientific research and contract research focuses on components, processes and the associated complex machine systems – the entire factory.
As leading institute for resource-efficient production, we concentrate on the development of efficient technologies and intelligent production plants for manufacturing components for car bodies and powertrains and on optimizing the related forming and cutting manufacturing processes. Key success factors include the development of lightweight structures and technologies for processing new materials as well as functional integration in assemblies.
Progressing digitization is one of the most important topics of the future. For this purpose, we develop holistic solutions with specific added value, which will also strengthen and improve the competitive position of our partners in the future. The “E³-Forschungsfabrik Resource-efficient Production” is the basis for these developments. Together with partners in research and industry, solutions are created for efficient technologies; additionally, concepts of factory planning are developed for flexible, resource-efficient production and innovation information and visualization technologies are designed for successfully integrating humans into the factory of the future.

A major task of the business field “automotive” is to support car manufacturers as well as supplier industry in testing new materials and products fast and reliably by means of nondestructive methods. Early inclusion of NDT design into the development process provides high potential of cost efficiency at concurrently enhanced product quality by adequate inspection scheduling. Thematic work is concerned, amongst others, with the inspection and process control of hardness and mechanical-technological properties, defect inspection of ultra-high-strength steels or NDT for bonding technologies of metals and plastics as well as hybrid materials.
Also, in later phases of the product life cycle or in case of damage and subsequent repairing solutions for testing and assessing assemblies and structures are highly needed, especially in case of new materials.
The diversity of materials used in automotive industry steadily rises. However, specific material properties can only be exploited in an optimal way if eligible joint technologies are on hand, e.g. gluing methods, thermal methods such as friction stir welding, laser welding and laser soldering, or mechanical procedures such as hemming and clinching. Covering all these methods Fraunhofer IZFP has long-term experience in developing inspection technologies for reliable, nondestructive joint quality assurance.
A global community of the foremost OEMs, Tier 1 suppliers, aluminium producers and software and equipment suppliers has already begun to be built around Hot Form Quench (HFQ® Technology), accelerating the usage of this innovative technique and sharing best practices. Furthermore, this community – the HFQ® Partner Network – is pioneering a new worldwide standard that is constantly evolving thanks to the input and experiences from the world’s leading automotive companies and engineers.

Passionate Lecturers and Researchers
As a result of our high teaching standards coupled with the external funds we acquired, we have gradually created an exciting and stable working environment. This ensures a maximum of freedom for each staff and student member, supporting them to acquire and deepen their subject area knowledge with international standards.
Materials Science for a Modern Society
We are an international center for developing, modelling, joining and forming socially relevant, future-oriented, high-performance structural materials. We transfer our expertise into teaching and scientific services.

Industrial Interface India 3i, offers a seamless interface to absorb these technologies in the Indian industry. It´s not only a machinery trading house, but we also promote complete technology and evaluate all aspects of the business before recommending a solution.
The promoter Mr. Sachin Suresh Nirgudkar has rich experience of over 25 years in various fields of business with domain activity of Marketing and Sales of Capital items. He has worked in large corporates like Mahindra and Mahindra (Intertrade Division) and in medium scale companies like ABP Induction.
LOIRE ETUDE is an innovating company specializing in sheet metal forming. Our aim is to support Automotive, Aviation & Agricultural OEMs to reduce Co2 emission. With more than 50 years experiences, LOIRE ETUDE master multiple forming technologies (cold stamping, press hardening, superplastic forming, open die forging & magnetic pulse forming) and materials. LOIRE ETUDE services, range from tool manufacturing, small series part production & consulting engineering.
Saint-Gobain designs, manufactures and distributes materials and solutions which are key ingredients in the wellbeing of each of us and the future of all. They can be found everywhere in our living places and our daily life: in buildings, transportation, infrastructure and in many industrial applications. They provide comfort, performance and safety while addressing the challenges of sustainable construction, resource efficiency and climate change.
Selmatec Systems GmbH offers application-specific, stand alone and highly integrable industrial machine vision solutions based on state-of-the-art technology. These systems are used worldwide by automotive manufacturers and Tier 1 suppliers in forming and heat treatment processes.
In addition, our engineering team is happy to meet other major and minor industrial challenges in any industry. In the context of these applications we combine IR temperature measurement and/or visual monitoring systems with production systems to provide our customers with a comprehensive solution for quality control.
Due to our inhouse software developments, we guarantee and deliver upgradeable solutions at any time which ensure compact system investments for any future requirements.
TechAdvision supports producers, suppliers and customers of press hardened car body components in project planning & execution, commissioning, maintenance and efficiency enhancement of production plants and manufacturing departments. Thereby, we ensure the sustainable success for the industrialization of hot-forming technologies.
His doctoral degree in manufacturing technology, years of experience in project management for renowned OEMs and Tier-1 suppliers, as well as continues training (among others in management of agile projects, innovations and quality-systems) enable the owner – Dr.-Ing. Christian Hezler – to advise companies in development and optimization of processes and organizations. The latest standards and developments will thereby be considered, while always taking the practical application and the implementation on the shopfloor into account.
Besides the mentoring and realization of entire projects, TechAdvision provides specialist trainings for several target groups in all areas of above-mentioned application.

Our mission is to further develop production technology and shape it to be efficient, precise, future-proof and networked. We are market and technology leaders in machine tools and lasers for industrial manufacturing and work with our innovations in almost every sector. Our software solutions pave the way to the Smart Factory, enabling us to implement high-tech processes in industrial electronics. Around 13,400 employees around the globe represent the achievements and philosophy of the family company TRUMPF.